ランドスケープ遺産の意義と展望 -過去から未来をつなぐ-
小椋菜美(京都大学大学院 地球環境学舎)・今西純一(京都大学大学院 地球環境学堂)・柴田昌三(兵庫県立淡路景観園芸学校)
This presentation focuses on the exhibits by gardeners and plant dealers at the Kyoto Exposition, which was a major industrial promotion measure in Kyoto in the early Meiji period. The association of gardeners and plant dealers which existed since the Edo period participated in Expositions as Garden Tree Trading Company(Ueki-shōsha.)Some presumed constituents of the former association also exhibited their products at the Exposition. With a list of the exhibits by gardeners and plant dealers, the influence of Kyoto Exposition on the flourish of the Kyoto landscaping scene after the mid-Meiji period has discussed.
Soil desiccation in artificial ground greening affects health conditions of plants negatively in some cases. Biochar application to soils is one of the solutions to improve water retention. In this study, biochar made from wood, bamboo, rice husk and coconut shell were added on soils, and evaluated the health conditions of Imperata cylindrica under non-irrigated conditions. The results indicated that health conditions of Imperata cylindrica with soils, coconut shell biochar mixed conditions, were not kept well compared to the cases with other biochar, and thus the health conditions of plants could be altered by raw material of biochar.